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Dr. Jim
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Post by Dr. Jim »

Please pardon the double posting.

The Canadian National Pistol Championships are being held from July 30th to August 7th in Calgary, Alberta. For the first time the ISSF matches will be shot on electronic targets. The 2700 match will, however, be fired on traditional paper targets. The full schedule and information packet is available for download at these two URL locations. ... Itemid=150

Please note that to perform an “on line” registration it will be necessary to use Internet Explorer as there is an unlocated error in the programming that causes Firefox to crash. Out of country competitors should be aware of the need to start the process of dealing with the firearms bureaucracy as early as possible. Full data on this process is included in the information packet.
Dr. Jim
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On Line Registration

Post by Dr. Jim »

Just a bump to keep this match in mind, and to give the on-line registration address, which is:

Cheers --- Dr Jim
Dr. Jim
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Location: Airdrie, Alberta, Canada

Registration deadline.

Post by Dr. Jim »

A monthly bump to keep the match in mind and to note that the deadline for registration is July 15th.

Cheers -- Dr Jim
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Slo cat
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Post by Slo cat »

Thank you for letting US know.

A bunch of Denver, CO shooters attended the WMG (which included NRA matches) in Edmonton in 2005. And Calgary is even closer.

This is very tempting. The Canadian permits required are a bit easier than the Aussie licensing requirements for import and transport. I will be closely pondering about attending your matches.

Best Regards,
Slo cat
Dr. Jim
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Post by Dr. Jim »

Terrific! We are open to as many as want to come to the matches. In fact, we need at least one to serve as observer for the Mayleigh Cup match!

I'll be the guy checking your guns.

Cheers --- Dr Jim
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Post by Isabel1130 »

Dr, Jim, I have read through the schedule and match bulletin and have a couple of questions.
Is there any way to camp at the range in Calgary? The hotel rates seem a little steep and I have to drive in if I come anyway.
How many firing points are there at the range?
The schedule indicates that you are planning on doing the entire 2700 in one day is that still the case?
I looked at mapquest and your match was under a thousand miles for me.
The Colorado State Championship is on the first weekend when you start but I could possibly make it in time for the 2700. How many people shot the 2700 last year? Kate
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Post by Isabel1130 »

An additional question or two.
I noticed that you can register online and there is an additional 25.00 fee if you register after the 15th of June or so?
If you register early but then find out you can't come, do you get all of your fees back?

Also I looked at results for a few years back. Are you committed to separating out categories and awards by sex for award purposes?

I primarily shoot NRA conventional pistol and the schedule would probably not allow me to make any of the other international matches.

A lot of times at a match I am the only women in my class (or at the match) and it is not much fun shooting against myself, especially after a two thousand mile round trip.
Dr. Jim
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Post by Dr. Jim »

I have sent a PM to Kate, but others may be interested.

I have read through the schedule and match bulletin and have a couple of questions.
Is there any way to camp at the range in Calgary? The hotel rates seem a little steep and I have to drive in if I come anyway.

There is really no camping on the range as there are no services. One official always brings their trailer, but otherwise the nearest campground is Whispering Pines, at Balzac, about 10km (6miles), north on Highway 2. There are other campgrounds both east and west sides of Calgary, but they are further away.

How many firing points are there at the range?

We will have 25 positions up for the NRA matches (far less popular than ISSF up here in the Great White North), last registration was 23 for rimfire, 20 for centrefire, and 15 for 45.

The schedule indicates that you are planning on doing the entire 2700 in one day is that still the case?

That is indeed what we expect to do. Even if enrollment goes over 25, well it doesn't get dark until about 9 to 9.30 !

I noticed that you can register online and there is an additional 25.00 fee if you register after the 15th of June or so?
If you register early but then find out you can't come, do you get all of your fees back?

The 25 dollar late registration is non-refundable, but if a competitor withdraws prior to the day the match starts, they get their funds returned.

Also I looked at results for a few years back. Are you committed to separating out categories and awards by sex for award purposes? I primarily shoot NRA conventional pistol and the schedule would probably not allow me to make any of the other international matches.

NRA matches do not make distinction on the basis of sex or handicap -- so everybody shoots in their classification. Only Sport and Ladies Air are restricted to female competitors and 50 metre and Centrefire are restricted to males. Standard is open to all.

Dr Jim, Classifications Officer.
Looking forward to seeing you-all!
Dr. Jim
Posts: 269
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Location: Airdrie, Alberta, Canada

Post by Dr. Jim »

Final Bump!

Registration deadline is fast approaching -- JUNE 15th -- after which no relay additions can be made, but LATE registrations to fill available positions may be accepted.

Thank you for your attention.

Dr Jim
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