Germany Factory tour October 8-16

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Germany Factory tour October 8-16

Post by pilkguns »

I have trip scheduled Oct 8-16. Details of the itnenary are here

The lovely and talented Annette von Weech (Netty to those of you who know her) will be our translator, companion and source of all local knowledge.

This trip covers ALL ground expenses. Bus, Hotels, meals, drinks, entrances to shooting clubs, factories and museums, tips, etc. All you will need to buy is souvenirs of the trip. I would strongly encourage you to bring gifts of shooting nature to give to the some of the locals that we will meet in the various clubs, as normally they surprise us with many small gifts of their own favorable territory.

The cost for single room occupancy is 1370 €
The cost for double room occupancy is 1090 €

Due to the wide variations in exchange rate recently I am pricing this in Euros. In recent months the dollar has been as low as 1.35 and as high as 1.44 last week. . Hopefully the US government shut-down aversion will push the dollar back into more

You will be responsible for you airfare expense from your location to Munich departing on 8 October and returning from Munich on 16 October.

Deposit is $1000 US. We will buy Euros on the day we receive your money and credit your account that amount of Euros on that day and notify you of the balance due.

Look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.
Scott Pilkington

PS: I have been requested to consider a visit to Steyr or Morini. We could do this, but both are far out of the way from Munich. Costs will be much higher per day due to longer travel distances and most likely fewer participants. There are many interesting things to do and see along the way. If you are interested in a longer stay , let me know and when I get some firm numbers we can do some extra calculations for this.
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