Ultimate Rimfire bullseye pistol

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Ultimate Rimfire bullseye pistol

Post by hill987 »

If you had one particular pistol to use for bullseye only, in the 22 leg, what would it be? Requirements? Same grip angle as a 45. Still serviceable and repairable in the states, without a lot of problems. Adjustable trigger. Without European style grips.
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Post by bebloomster »

If you already have a 1911 that you use for the centerfire stage then consider getting a Marvel Conversion Unit for rimfire use.
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perfect bullseye 22 pistol

Post by penman53 »

I agree on the Marvel, Bob or otherwise. Just for the sake of simplicity
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Post by Sgt_Gold »

The only pistol I can think of is the 22\45 with the removable grips. You won't get the adjustable trigger, but other that the 208 it's the only gun I canthink of that has the 1911 grip.
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Post by william »

What do you mean by "adjustable trigger"? If pull weight is what you want a Hi Standard Citation, Trophy or Victor will meet your needs. The Hamden guns were and still are the marker against which other US made pistols are measured. Still plenty of parts available and plenty of smiths who know what to do with them if needed.

If you have one with a barrel that isn't shot out I guaranty you will never be as good as it is.
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Post by Levergun59 »

I side with William. The factory Hamden barrel on a bunch of the High Standards I have owned or still own will hold the x-ring at fifty yards. You just have to try some different batches of ammo to see which shoots best. I have an Aikman barrel for my Victor that will shoot inside a dime with Tenex and under an inch with CCI standard with a ransom rest at 50 yds. I would be interested to know what the MMU and AMU are shooting these days? They were shooting High Standards in the 90's.
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Ultimate rimfire

Post by hill987 »

After my other posts of European guns, I was hoping to find some input onto what European guns would have similar to the 45, as far as grip angle and reliability. I have an HS Victor and tournament. I'm very happy with both of those. They can definitely outshoot me. I was just curious if there was any Europe guns equal or comparable. I've been looking at a Marvel, but have not yet come to a final conclusion on it, with all their clip problems.
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Post by william »

If you had only asked that in the first place.... I think the now discontinued Hämmerli 208 / 208s is the only viable European option. You could have Larry Carter set up a Trailside X-Esse for you, but that would likely be at best a sideways move from your H-S's.

The European makers don't have to think about resemblance to the 1911, so their products are more purpose built. Sort of like trying to build the ultimate performance car and then having to make it USA street-legal.
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Post by tenex »

Another option could be an izh-35. You could grind down the grip, and it had a first class trigger.
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Re: Ultimate rimfire

Post by Freepistol »

hill987 wrote:After my other posts of European guns, I was hoping to find some input onto what European guns would have similar to the 45, as far as grip angle and reliability. I have an HS Victor and tournament. I'm very happy with both of those. They can definitely outshoot me. I was just curious if there was any Europe guns equal or comparable. I've been looking at a Marvel, but have not yet come to a final conclusion on it, with all their clip problems.
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Post by Freepistol »

william wrote:If you had only asked that in the first place....

. . . . .
The European makers don't have to think about resemblance to the 1911, so their products are more purpose built. Sort of like trying to build the ultimate performance car and then having to make it USA street-legal.
Very good!
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Post by Wiley-X »

tenex wrote:Another option could be an izh-35. You could grind down the grip, and it had a first class trigger.
I like my IZH-35M.
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