Light primer strikes with Walther GSP

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Light primer strikes with Walther GSP

Post by Sgt_Gold »

I have a GSP that goes click and not bang. I got the gun used, so I have no idea of the round count or how old the springs are. I have a slight dent in the rim, but not enough to set off the round. I've checked the firing pin and it's moving freely in the bolt. Any ideas on what I can check or replace? TIA.
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Light Hits

Post by fc60 »


Check to see if there is any "crud" on the bolt face where the 22 rim seats. If this is clean, examine the firing pin with a magnifying glass. The two portions on the end should be flush to each other. The upper is large and blunt to prevent peening of the barrel and the lower is wedge shaped. If the lower has been worn away with use a replacement is called for.

Pay close attention as to how the retaining pins are inserted. They are serrated and go in and out only one way. The manual generally shows which side for proper assembly.

Be sure to clamp the bolt in a secure padded vise when performing the above task.

Call Earls of Walther USA should you run into difficulties.


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Post by jipe »

This often means that the firing pin is broken somewhere in the middle.

Dismount the firing pin and check if it is broken.

I do not know the price of a GSP firing pin in the US, but in Europe, it is cheap. Best is to have a spare one as it is the part (almost the only one on GSP's with the new triggre unit) that can break on a GSP.
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