IZh 46 Maintenance

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Post by paulo »

Make sure the sights are in line with the barrel, mines are not, and that creates a geometry exercise when adjusting the sites.
Elevation does not move on the vertical axis if the sights are not in line with barrel, when you click either one way or the other, it will move along an angled line between horizontal and vertical axis, depending how much the sights are off center, and which way of the barrel they are off center.
My sights are only accurate for 10 meters, since I train and shoot at that distance, but it out shoots me everyday.
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izh 46m maintenance

Post by bingd »

You're right my rear blade is off-center from the centerline of the bore; I re-adjusted it, shoot it; and goes right into the money - 5 times :)

Another thing Paulo: Why is that when I move the elevation up, I have to adjust also the windage knob (going left)? Otherwise, the rear blade won't go up. Though, I have observed that now the POI is vertically lined-up along a straight line :)

After centering the rear blade along the centerline of the bore, is the windage knob really functional as it should? Or I am missing something here, like a spring under the rear-sight base, to push it up when I move the elevation knob uP?

Thanks Paulo

Post by Guest »

the thread has gotton a little off topic ( IZH maint) but I will continue off topic addressing the sights, blade and hoz and vert. adjustment.

The first thing one does when getting a new shooting device with adjustable sights is to determine the FULL range if "clicks" both hoz and vert then click to the center point of both.

This way you have the full range of adjustment hoz and vert. This is true with air, SB, HP, etc. Even with scopes.

(Then and only then if you have another adjustment such as the sight blade do you visually center the blade/notch on the sight mechanism.

Sight in at a short distance: air 10M, SB 50ft, HP 50yds. That with get you on paper at the longer distances if you do your job.)

If your barrel is dinged/bent or binding in its own mounting structure you have room to adjust with out maxing out towards either adjustment. (hopefully)

And yes on the IZH 46 there is a spring the pushes up the rear sight. It seens to have a good steady force even at the upper reaches of the vert adjustment. Some spring tension systems tend to lose pressure at the upper levels thus a weak "hold".
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Post by paulo »


Check the graphic on this thread
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IZH 46m Problems

Post by bingd »

Anonymous wrote:the thread has gotton a little off topic ( IZH maint) but I will continue off topic addressing the sights, blade and hoz and vert. adjustment.

The first thing one does when getting a new shooting device with adjustable sights is to determine the FULL range if "clicks" both hoz and vert then click to the center point of both.

This way you have the full range of adjustment hoz and vert. This is true with air, SB, HP, etc. Even with scopes.

(Then and only then if you have another adjustment such as the sight blade do you visually center the blade/notch on the sight mechanism.

Sight in at a short distance: air 10M, SB 50ft, HP 50yds. That with get you on paper at the longer distances if you do your job.)

If your barrel is dinged/bent or binding in its own mounting structure you have room to adjust with out maxing out towards either adjustment.

And yes on the IZH 46 there is a spring the pushes up the rear sight. It seens to have a good steady force even at the upper reaches of the vert adjustment. Some spring tension systems tend to lose pressure at the upper levels thus a weak "hold".

One last question Paulo: Where is the spring located? It seems mine has none; I adjusted both windage and elevation to its mid-point, however, the elevation base is loosely down; no spring tension is pushing it up; I have to turn my windage clockwise just to hold the elevation base at its mid-point setting :(
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IZH 46M Maintenance

Post by bingd »

My apologies to SIR "GUEST" for quoting his reply yet I've addressed my query to Paulo.

Just a slip of the mind Sir GUEST :)

Again my apologies; and my sincerest gratitude to you SIR GUEST for that significant reply as this open my thoughts in tinkering my Izzy's rear sight.

For an update on my IZZY, I've found out that the plunger/spring on my rear sight was stucked. I removed it, dipped into WD40; cloth-dried, cleaned with a metal polish then applied Hoppes Grease.

Now, it's working perfectly; YES Perfectly; everything is centered; the adjustment knobs clicks positively; and it hits the mark everytime with any of the following pellets: FINALE MATCH, EAGLE HEAD, HAMMER HEAD and WHITE PELLETS made in SLOVIA. I have facilitated this on top of a Benhrest (5 to 10 Meters). OFFhand, YES, ..it will missed the mark..

And to Paulo, thanks for your generous accomodations; I am now reading the link you provided; a little bit lenghty, but very informative :)

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