Test Ammo for the Walther SSP???

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Test Ammo for the Walther SSP???

Post by Mil-Dot »

Hi Folks!
I am new to the TargetTalk forum but I am impressed with the amount of good information available on this sight. Anyways, I recently purchased a Walther SSP and I'm trying to find the best "diet" for it. The test fire card (for lack of a better term) from the factory has a quite impressive grouping on it but it did not give the specific ammo used to get such a grouping. It was stamped Lapua, but which one is the question. Does anyone know which Lapua 22LR is used to test fire the Walther SSP?
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Every barrel and every batch of ammunition are unique. That's why Eley and SK have customer ranges, so shooters can batch test ammunition in their personal gun.

The answer to your question is, it doesn't matter, because you can't get ammo from that lot anyway:-)

Post by Guest »

Thanks for the info.
To test different different ammo I've been doing the following:

1) Clean gun
2) 10 fowling shots
3) 2 x 10 group shots (using rest)
Next ammo

Yesterday I tested

Eley Pistol Match
Eley Pistol EXTR
Eley Target
CCI Green Tag
Wolf Extra Match
CCI Standard Velocity

My best grouping was with the CCI Standard Velocity (but not impressive).

Am I doing this the right way? I'm a High Power Rifle guy just getting into Bullseye shooting. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Mil-Dot
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Post by Mil-Dot »

Sorry, I forgot to sign in above and it listed me as guest.
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I'm not an authority on this, and others may/will have differing opinions; I use the protocol that is used at the Eley Customer Range, which is four, ten-shot groups from each batch being tested.

Since building the new range at Eley they also can give you a composite forty shot group from each batch of ammunition tested.

Richard Ashmore


Post by okitsmine »

I shoot Federal 36 grain standard velocity ammo out of my SSP. Bullseye avaerage 846. Not master, but better by 20 pts than with my S&W 41.
I have tried expensive ammo, but my finger, not my ammo keeps me below master level. Spend less on ammo, practice more.
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Post by Isabel1130 »

Accuracy is not the essential characteristic in bullseye,because the targets are so much larger than rifle targets. Your gun should hold the ten ring easily with any decent ammo at 50 yards on a slow fire target, and if it does not, with any of them you most likely have a gun problem rather than an ammo problem. Functioning during sustained fire is the big issue. Most bullseye shooters that I know use a lot of CCI SV for practice. Many of them also use it for matches. Of those that use other ammo in matches, one of the favorites is Lapua Standard Plus which I like a lot. This is the same ammo as Wolf Match Target and it runs about 415 a case from a competitive source. Eley Target (yellow box) is also very good but my gun does not like it because my recoil buffer on my Feinwerkbau requires a little more velocity to action the gun properly.
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Post by PFribley »

In bulls eye most times its the gunner not the gun. I know guys that shoot masters level with a Ruger MKII. Like the previous poster said. "Its your finger that keeps you down." Buy SV CCI practice and dry fire. Go to matches, shoot at your local range. Get better. Its bulls eye shooting. Not golf!!!!
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Post by Rover »

Mil-Dot, you're doing everything right. You don't say how you're testing, but if you're not doing it from a Ransom Rest (or something similar) you may not be shooting well enough to really test ammo.

It would be interesting to know the relative size of the groups from the unfouled bore vs. fouled.
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