Choosing a Matchgun

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Choosing a Matchgun

Post by Orion »

Hi, Ive got some questions regarding upgrading to a high end "olympic" target .22.

I currently shoot a Ruger MKII Target and am looking for imrovements. I typically fire in the mid 270s-late 280s well and feel that Ive outgrown my Ruger.

Im looking for a smarter class of target pistols that feature anatomical grips, adjustable triggers, wider rear sights, recoil reduction systems, and a lighter overall feel. After shooting my dads Hammerli 280, my Ruger feels like it shoots like a lead softball..

Whats out there in terms of reliability and performance? Does anyone have experience the Walther SSP?

What are receivers with adjustable buffer systems and pneumatic Buffers?

I am also left-handed, has anyone ordered from Rink Grips lately? Nows probably the time to purchase one due to the shrinking Euro...

Please advise. Thanks.
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Post by Orpanaut »

Are you planning to mount a red dot sight on your pistol? Some of the Euro pistols are more "dot friendly" than others.

I don't know if it's worth looking for a recoil reduction system. When you have a low bore line, a fitted grip and a nice trigger, shooting sustained fire strings with a .22 is really a pleasure, even without any special buffers. Just my opinion.
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Post by Isabel1130 »

as a fellow left handed shooter, I am going to unconditionally recommend getting a Feinwerkbau AW-93 for a couple of reasons. First it is a production gun and you can get it with a left handed grip, a no additional charge if you go with the right dealer. It has beautiful iron sights and a fully adjustable trigger. The gun also comes truly left handed. The slide release will be on the right hand side and you can dry fire it without a plug. The trigger is also easily adjustable without taking the gun apart. It likes to be clean and oiled. If you do this, once it is broken in it will shoot almost any ammunition. The gun is well balanced and fun to shoot. Isabel
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choosing a match gun -- Rinks grips

Post by topclass »

I've ordered (and use) adjustable LH Rinks grips on a couple different .22LR match pistols. they are great. not cheap, but great. Larry's Guns was my source. they order once a month (at month's end) so depending on when you get an order in will influence when you recieve them.
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choosing a match gun -- Rinks grips

Post by topclass »

I've ordered (and use) adjustable LH Rinks grips on a couple different .22LR match pistols. they are great. not cheap, but great. Larry's Guns was my source. they order once a month (at month's end) so depending on when you get an order in will influence when you recieve them.
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choosing a match gun -- Rinks grips

Post by topclass »

I've ordered (and use) adjustable LH Rinks grips on a couple different .22LR match pistols. they are great. not cheap, but great. Larry's Guns was my source. they order once a month (at month's end) so depending on when you get an order in will influence when you recieve them.
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Post by Bob-Riegl »

While I have seen the Walther SSP and have fired one---the only thing I can say it has a remarkable lack of any recoil. Other than that it has been excoriated by a few shooters with all kinds of maladies. Too bad I would buy one except for the atrocious price. You are better off with the following order of choices: Pardini, Walther, Benelli. Expect to pay $1100-~$2000 new. The AW93 is IMHO way, way over priced. I would avoid the MG2 like the bubonic plague---as it never fails to become an expensive paper weight. Those that own them are an odd lot who won't allow themselves to admit it is an overly complex engineering nightmare and defend it to the death----and hate me for being brutally honest. I owned one and I know another close friend who bought one contrary to my warnings and he is also now singing the same tune about his expensive paper weight----sorry Match Guns---but that's the truth and you know it. "Doc"
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Post by TomAmlie »

Bob-Riegl wrote: I would avoid the MG2 like the bubonic plague---as it never fails to become an expensive paper weight. Those that own them are an odd lot who won't allow themselves to admit it is an overly complex engineering nightmare and defend it to the death----and hate me for being brutally honest. I owned one and I know another close friend who bought one contrary to my warnings and he is also now singing the same tune about his expensive paper weight----sorry Match Guns---but that's the truth and you know it. "Doc"
Without turning this into yet another MG2 thread, I'm up to about 8k (10k?)rounds through my MG2 (sn 302x) with zero (zip, nada, none, null) malfunctions with any ammo. I don't know if they've finally gotten all the design bugs out, or if mine is a lucky aberration. Unfortunately, stories of bad experiences will continue to float around on the internet indefinitely.

Does anyone out there have anything good (or bad) to say about an MG-2 made in the past 2 years or so? (say, from serial #3000 and up?). Making inferences about current quality and reliability based on experiences with a gun made in the first year or two of production might not be fair.
Mike M.
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Post by Mike M. »

Back to the OP...

A lot depends on the grip angle you prefer. If you're comfortable with a highly raked grip (and you might be), the Pardini is probably the king of the hill. An MG2 if you are willing to chance it.

If you prefer a more erect grip, the AW93 is the clear favorite. Price be damned, you'll be shooting long after you forget the price. The Marines are shooting them - and they know their guns. Or scrounge for a Hammerli 208.
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Post by ssauer2004 »

I'm a lefty and shoot a Walther GSP Expert. I love it. I shoots great and isn't ammo sensitive. Great gun!
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