Sling pull from outside??

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Sling pull from outside??

Post by tenring »

Is there a trick to get the sling to stay pulling from the outside? How do you really make it pull from the outside?

Posts: 174
Joined: Fri Nov 13, 2009 8:38 am
Location: Green Bay, WI

Post by jmkwyo »

position it so that before you hook into your rifle that the 'tail' of the sling is pointing slightly away from your body. It also helps to have a hook or button on your coat of some sort to help keep the sling from falling down over the course of firing, which also reduces the need to tighten up your sling around your arm.
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Post by Barney »

Look at the post in this section called " Mec sling review " your question is covered by BartP
2650 Plus

Post Subject

Post by 2650 Plus »

I am of the opinion that many shooters pulse bounce comes from the pinching caused by the top keeper such as most sling designs incorporate .Take a close look at the slings advertised as 'no pulse' and you will see that most replicate the same concept as the cuff. Good Shooting Bill Horton .
Posts: 52
Joined: Sun Nov 11, 2007 6:26 am

Post by Kevin6Q »

What's the differance betwen the cuff and the sling? Thanks, Kevin
2650 Plus

Slings And Tnings

Post by 2650 Plus »

The cuff went around the upper arm and was tightened by two or more straps with buckles. The sling was then attached to the cuff and to the rifle fore end stop. This eliminated the pinching that occurs with the US Military sling and many others. Good Shooting Bill Horton
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