NPA (zero point) shifts

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NPA (zero point) shifts

Post by WesternGrizzly »

I got the SCATT today and while i was using it i ws noticing NPA shifts from shot to shot. I was shooting prone and i feel like i am doing the same thing everytime. any advice?

Post by Billy308 »

make sure the sensor is tight on the barrel and cant slip
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Post by RobStubbs »

Well the simple thing to do is check the guns direction agrees with the sensors perception of it. Dry firing some shots at it should give you a better idea as to any discrepancies.

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Post by robf »

you mean your position is changing, irrespective of the scatt...?
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Post by mapletune »

It feels as if OP is asking for advice on his position and posture as to avoid NPA shifts.
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