need suggestions for 9mm 147 grain load

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need suggestions for 9mm 147 grain load

Post by Philadelphia »

Weather finally broke and I can get outdoors again. Back to working up a load for the 147 grain Dardas cast bullets in 9mm. Not having a whole lot of luck. Gun is a SIG P226 that has been shooting sub 1" indoors all winter using lighter cast bullets.

Back outdoors at the short line I tried my 147 grain cast lead load (4.3 grains of Power Pistol and 1.155 OAL -- using Lyman data to arrive at that). Not so much joy. Accuracy ran around 5 inches with a good deal of leading. Rather than continuing on a quest to reinvent the wheel, can anyone suggest a load for the heavy 9mm bullet? At the moment I have both Power Pistol and Titegroup on hand so I'd prefer to stick to those powders if possible but remain open to any suggestions.

As a last note, I take full responsibility for evaluating any suggestions given so feel free to suggest away (in other words, I'll use my own brain to check to my own satisfaction that any load data provided won't vaporize me or disintigrate my gun so feel free to provide whatever works for you without fear of any complaints down the road).

Thank you.
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Post by JamesH »

Why do you wan to use such a heavy bullet?
125gr used to be fine for me out to 200 yds.
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Post by Philadelphia »

I got the heavy bullets to experiment with making up a subsonic 9mm load for the long line. Now I have them and want to use them. I guess you're saying the 125's are a better way to go?

I have somewhat of a variety of bullets at this point but wanted to come up with something that will work with these 147s (if that's possible).

Anybody out there using 147s? Am I wasting my time or should I press on? ;)

Thanks again.
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Post by rkcal22 »

Philly- you're in the wrong site for that ammo. Go to and ask for info of that bullet which is standard 9mm when using a suppresor. Richard
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Post by Philadelphia »

rkcal22 wrote:Philly- you're in the wrong site for that ammo. Go to and ask for info of that bullet which is standard 9mm when using a suppresor. Richard
Well I suppose that combined with a lack of other responses pretty much answers the question. I'll wrap up the box of 147 grain lead heads and put them away on a back shelf so years from now my heirs will wonder what the heck they were for. ;)
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Post by diopter »

Don't like cast in 9mm. Twist likes jackets. Plated just barely ok for short range only. YMMV.

Tried 147 Hornady XTR and HAP. Very good.
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