Best .22 Pistol

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Post by 5-Ring »

I have owned and shot the Ruger 512, S&W Model 41, HS Victor, Pardini, and the Hammerli SP20. I have shot good scores with all of them. So, it came down to which one fit my hand better, balanced better, and had the "best" trigger for me. As far as reliability, I had the most problems with the High Standard at one point in time. It was a bad magazine. The Pardini only gave me one alibi ever and that was on rapid fire at Perry. I still managed a 200-17x with the alibi. I liked the Pardini the best. It is not for everyone because of the grip angle and the trigger feel.

Post by Spotmonster »

Anyone have a Benelli Mp90 or MP95? I have recently used a fellow shooters Pardini Sp and love it, but i've seen the Benelli looks very similer and a little cheaper. any thoughts?

Post by Guest »

hill987, I would like to know more of your HS problem, that is "a little finicky with target ammo" what was it ?. Also how can a lighter hammer spring fix it ? Thanks Richard
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the best 22

Post by hill987 »

the main problem is the ammo that is 1050fps and less will cause the action not to open enough to lock behind the next round and send it home. some of the time it will catch the fired hull between the barrel and slide or the hull would be setting sideways. it takes so much to cock the hammer and get the slide back enough to catch the next round. A simple problem, to hard of a hammer spring''onced tuned all the problems went away, pretty much all the guns out there will have some type of problem sooner or later. I haved watch it happen to others for years. That's why I went back to H S because of ease of repair and tune. They shoot great, the feel is like that of a 1911. I hope this helps.
Brian James
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Post by Brian James »

I have been using my Matchguns MG2 with good success. The 6" barrel yields excellent results at 50 yards and the short trigger reset provides a significant advantage in the rapid fire stage.

Over the weekend I made a scope mount and mounted a red dot to it. Tonight I will be able to try it out and see how it feels.

The downside of the MG2 is the grip angle is so different from a 1911. So switching over is a bit of a challenge for me, but no more than when I used a IZH35 or Pardini.

If anyone’s interested in seeing photos of my MG2 with scope mount please PM. I can post photos after I know it works well.

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