IZH-35 recoil spring needed

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IZH-35 recoil spring needed

Post by Sgt_Gold »

EAA no longer imports parts for the IZH-35. The only part I need is a recoil spring. I e-mailed IZH, but haven't received a reply yet. Does anyone know if there is any company that makes a recoil spring for this pistol? I've tried Wolff and all the other ususal suspects. I'm ready to start trying other pistol's springs in an attempt to mix and match. I'd hate to have to stop shooting my IZH for BE, but unless I can find a sourse for recoil springs my pistol has a limited lifespan.
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Recoil Spring

Post by fc60 »


To replace the spring you have several options.

First, find someone that has a new unused spring that can be measured. You need the overall free length, wire diameter, outside diameter of the spring, and the number of coils.

From this you can attempt to locate a duplicate that is available for other guns. Or, contact a spring manufacturer (gardnerspring dot com) for an off the shelf item. McMaster-Carr and MSC Industrial also sell compression springs (Choices are limited).

Worst case scenario, I can wind some springs for you ($$$$)

Contact me off line should you have additional questions.


Dave Wilson

Shooter and fabricator of fine 32 barrels (and the odd spring)

Post by Guest »

Thanks for the info. I just found out that Numrich has what is probably the last stash of IZH-35 parts in the US. They probably bought out EAA whan they droped the pistol.
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Post by paulo »

You will have to match it to something else! But have you tried this place?
This is another option
don't know if this is the exact part, recoil spring, but I would give them a call
http://www.e-gunparts.com/product.asp?c ... 3&mySort=1

Good Luck, and if you find a substitute let us know.
Posts: 64
Joined: Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:48 pm

Post by Wiley-X »

EAA still has parts for the IZH-35M.


The recoil spring is $7.

I just ordered a trigger spring for mine.
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