Zins gone from NRA pistol dept.

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Zins gone from NRA pistol dept.

Post by PaulB »

Anyone got the scoop on why Brian Zins is gone as the Pistol Dept. head at NRA?
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Zins gone

Post by Isabel1130 »

As I understand it there have been a bunch of changes at the NRA. The new president is putting his people and Brian Zins is not one of the new president's people. A guy I shoot with was on the pistol committee. Now with no notice he is not any longer. Just pollitics I fear. Isabel

Post by Guest »

What is Brian Zins doing now? He indicated he had another job lined up.
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Post by Misny »

Not really to do with Brian Zins, but the entrenched bureaucratic staff at NRA headquarters is really not knowledgeable and not very responsive to the membership IMHO. They just do what they want and are able to pretty much ignore individual members. OTOH the pistol committee, who I believe are made up of elected members of the board and meet once a year, does a very good job.
2650 Plus

NRA Poletics

Post by 2650 Plus »

Many years ago Gary Anderson was appointed to the board. When he came up for reelection the nominating committe left him off the list. The reason given to me was that he was a troube maker.New ideas were not welcome was what I understood the answer to mean. Brian was not likely to respect the the ideas of non pistol shooters about how to do our thing and the members of the board wouldn't like that. By the way Gary was nominated by member petition and reelected with a substancial majority of the votes. If Brian is interested we can elect him through the same mechanism, But he has to commit to serve before tha petition can be submitted. Good Shooting Bill Horton
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Post by mikeschroeder »

Misny wrote:Not really to do with Brian Zins, but the entrenched bureaucratic staff at NRA headquarters is really not knowledgeable and not very responsive to the membership IMHO. They just do what they want and are able to pretty much ignore individual members. OTOH the pistol committee, who I believe are made up of elected members of the board and meet once a year, does a very good job.
Great, they're like congressional aides.


Wichita KS
solomon grundy

Post by solomon grundy »

Brian had posted a comment regarding his resignation on Bullseye-L.

Here's the link - http://groups.google.com/group/bullseye ... 1f90cea16a

I don't know the politics of this situation, but do think that it's a shame to lose him.
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Zins new job

Post by fc60 »


Brian Zins and Andy Moody recently conducted a shooting clinic in the North West USA. The "rumor" I heard was that Zins accepted a position with a shipping company to provide security on board the ships.

Treat this as a "Rumor" as I did not speak to Zins personally.


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