Tube Extension?

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Tube Extension?

Post by KingKenji »

Hello all,

I was wondering what ppls input are on having an extension tube at the end of the rifle. I see alot of shooters have it, how much of a difference does it make?
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Post by Soupy44 »

Most people add a bloop tube in order to increase the sight radius. This allows one to see move movement from their hold. It has a secondary effect in making the sight picture more clear for some people. Some see better at the longer radius. And lastly, it can tune the vibrations of the barrel (both as a tuner and not).

My rule of thumb on when to start using one is when you are starting the clean conventional prone targets. Much earlier, and you'll just be frustrated by the additional movement.
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Post by RobStubbs »

Whilst I agree somewhat with Soupy, I'd suggest that you investigate one if you need it. It will not make you shoot better of itself, but if you experience problems as described then it may help help with that regards.

It's a bit like a whole host of items you could buy and use and that some top shooters use. They will have got them for a reason and to solve a problem. The only way you (and they) will know if it helps is to try it for a period of time and see if it positively affects score (or comfort etc if that was the original 'problem').

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bloop tube

Post by mobarron »

I think that it can help - particularly with older eyes. But it can cut both ways with regard to accuracy. If your rifle is shooting well and you have a good sight picture, I would suggest experimenting with a friend's until your certain that there is a benefit.
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Anschutz factory 440 mm sight extension tube for 2013-U6

Post by HS »

If anyone has a spare, I would like to buy it. Thanks

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