3 gun coaching

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3 gun coaching

Post by Rover »

The Phoenix Rod & GunClub has started a new program.

John Zurek and Steve Reiter (the names should be familiar to you) are offering a free clinic/seminar/practice for 2700 shooters.

This will be held on the first Sunday of the month (start time 7:30 a.m.), indefinitely.

This is pretty informal, but you'll get a definite program plus the chance to pick the brains of a couple of the countries top shooters.

Come on down!
C. Perkins
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Post by C. Perkins »

2700 starts at 08:30 am starting in October.

Shoot the .22 then center fire, break for lunch(bag lunch on site) is when the clinic will be held, then shoot the .45 match.

This is a practice match on the first Sunday of every month, so you can shoot what ever you want.(.22 all the way if so desired).

Today John discussed gun hold in detail.
A veteran shooter came away with advise of an improved technique and he will work on this as it made him realize there is a way better than what he has always done.

See you there.
Posts: 7071
Joined: Sat Nov 15, 2008 4:20 pm
Location: Idaho panhandle

Post by Rover »

I don't think you Bullseye shooters quite understand what this implies.

PRGC is working on developing a cadre of perhaps fifteen shooters based around several former Marines.

These well-trained shooters will attend the National Matches and "clean your clocks".

If you care to join them and can make it to the sessions, you are welcome.

You may even get a T-shirt.
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