CMP .22cal ammo in Pardini SP

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CMP .22cal ammo in Pardini SP

Post by Stephen51861 »

Fellow Shooters,

I have been shooting my Pardini SP for many years now but I do not shoot anything except, RWS Target ammo. It is getting a bit expensive. I have only recently come to know of the .22 cal ammo available through the CMP. Is either of the types sold a true fit for this type of gun or are they made more for the Ruger MKII type pistols etc..?

I have fired part of one box of Wolf target in the past and my pistol did not like it at all. Mostly jamming and the accuracy was questionable but maybe that was just me since I was distracted by the jamming.

Thank you,

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Post by updeerhunter08 »

When we were at Camp Perry this year we looked into getting some from the CMP store. All that they had was some unknown remington stuff. In the past they have had Aquila made stuff that worked very well for our team. (Our team uses Marvel conversions and Mk 2s)
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Post by little_doodie »

I am pretty sure the CMP currently uses Aguilla (centuron)
If it functions well test it out.
I have been using Eley Sport for about 6 months now.
it is also made by Aguilla but it functions flawless in my high standard and the accuracy is very good.
will RWS shoot better... most likely but I shoot alot of 50' indoor and the groups I shoot off a rest is one hole so that works for me.
One of the main reasons I bought Eley Sport is I could get it...
the CMP is backordered for months.
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Aquila Ammo

Post by randy1952 »

The club members here have used the Aquila ammo for our postal leagues, but we had problems with the lube that was used on each bullet. It would build up in the chambers so much that the shells wouldn't seat all the way into the chamber. The problem was even worse for my Hammerli SP20 since the chamber was probably a bit tighter then the Rugers and Buckmarks. It was completely out of the question for use in our free pistols after ten rounds you couldn't even force the shell into the chamber without it getting stuck in the chamber. I went to the Aquila reps at the Shot Show for two years to complain about the problem, but nothing happened. The accuracy was good, but we quit using it because we couldn't get through half a match without a stoppage.

Post by Guest »

My Pardini does not like Augila Super Extra. A stove pipe for every magazine.

Interesting that Eley Sport is the same stuff. It stove pipes too, but not as often.

Between the fear-mongers buying it all up and the manufacturers' manufactured shortage, it's pretty tough to find any ammo now.
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Super Extra

Post by mstuhr »

I have run about 300 rounds of Aquilla SE through one I got from Victor and it has run flawless and shoots it well.
Go Figure. I'd say you wont know untill you try.
Good luck

Re: Super Extra

Post by Quest1 »

mstuhr wrote:Howdy,
I have run about 300 rounds of Aquilla SE through one I got from Victor and it has run flawless and shoots it well.
Go Figure. I'd say you wont know untill you try.
Good luck
The Victor's chamber is probably not as tight as the Pardini or other higher end target pistols and consequently will be able to digest more rounds before you notice a problem.
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Hi Quest

Post by mstuhr »

Hi Quest.
It is not a Victor. It is a Pardini I bought from Victor. It seems to run just fine on Aquilla SE. That's not to say they all will.
I have an old Clark/Ruger that hates the stuff..
I also have 4,000 rounds of it through my GSP and it has never had a failure of any kind. No duds, no feeding issues.
It's not that I like it, but two of my guns do.
The old GSP seems to eat most anyting but I have not tried anything in it but Wolf, CCI SV and the Aquilla.
Thanks (I wish I had a nice Victor)
I am updating as I finished the first case and replaced it with a second case of Aquila SV. The second case has been nothing but problems as the lube flakes off in the feeding cycle and fouls the chamber causing FTF's.
It shoots great but does not work well as compared to the first case.
Last edited by mstuhr on Sat Dec 26, 2009 11:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Tom »


Here's something I originally posted back in 2004 and updated and reposted in 2005 regarding ammo for the Pardini SP series.

I still use Aguila SE subsonic for 50' and 25 yard/meter matches, I jump to either Eley, RWS or SK for the 50 yard matches.

Hope it helps



I posted this about a year ago in 2004. I edited it for better reading this time around along with a couple updates. One rule of thumb I have is that the recoil and firing pin return springs be changed every 5K rounds. Which for me is every year.

I have been shooting SPE's and SP's since the 80's. This is what I have found with the ammo that I have tried. They are one of the least ammo sensative pistols I have ever used. At 50' to 25M, they all group well enough to clean targets if you do your part. I currently use Aguila SE Subsonic for practice and 50' NRA, I switch to Eley or RWS for the more important or longer yardage matches.

Eley: Works well, (except the new Tenex/EPS style bullet. The first round hangs up and slows feeding) Eley shoots good to great depending on how much you spend.

RWS: Works well, shoots good to great. Again, depending on grade.

SK: Works well however the subsonic, while I have found they go bang all the time and shoot well they don't fully cycle 100%. Shoots well to great. Again, spend more, get more. Weard feeling lube.

Wolf: Same as SK as it's the same plant that makes it.

PMC Pistol Match: It works, Shoots OK. On par with the low end Europian stuff. The lot I tried did not go bang 100% of the time.

Standard: Doesn't work in either the SPE or SP's that I have. Anyone else's I have seen either. It's too long to feed in the mags.
Green Tag: Works, lots of recoil, big flash. shoots well, compare to low to mid-range Eley. Keep your mags clean.
Pistol match: Functions, shoots less well than Green tag. I was disappointed. Less flash but heavy recoil.

Target: Cheap and loud. Punishing recoil and flash. Does not go bang all the time. Clean, very little residue.
Made by Eley type: See Eley comments.

Federal 711B Cheap, soft recoil, Neither the flat or "Dimple bottom" were reliable as a match round. I turned in the remaining bricks for credit at the gun store. (yes, they were that bad)

SE Std Vel: Cheap, shoots well, reliable if kept dry in storage and warm in cold shooting conditions. Average recoil, bit of flash. A bit greasy, it leaves some residue in the mags.
SE Subsonic: Same as above except with much less recoil and flash. May not cycle in all guns.
GE and Match: Same as above but tighter groups at longer yardage.
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