Pardini SP22 (History Question)

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Pardini SP22 (History Question)

Post by toughmandave »

I am trying to learn the history of the Pardini SP22. What year did the SP22's go into production. What major changes, if any, were made during the production years prior to the "new" Pardini SP22?

I have two Pardini SP22's: (1) Serial B1740. MCS, INC - Brookfield, CT was the importer stamped in red on the barrel assy. This firearm has a safety lever above the trigger. (2) Serial B2256. Nygord Precision Products, Van Nuys, CA was the importer stamped on the receiver in white. No safety lever.

Based on your knowledge do you have any idea what year each of these was manufactured?

Thanks, dave
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Post by TonyT »

I cannot help you with the dates of manufacture. I did purchase a Pardini SP with D. Nygord Prescott, AZ on the frame after he moved from CA.
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Post by toughmandave »

It looks like the Brookfield, CT is the oldest, then the Nygord, CA, then the Nygord, AZ and I am guessing probably Larry's is on the most recent. I did find an article that the Nygord SP's were from the 1991 - 1995 era. There is very little information on Pardini on the web or on the Pardini site unfortunately. Thanks for your input Tony. dave
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