Pardini 45's

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Pardini 45's

Post by Vincent »

Hi everyone,
if there is anyone here who has first hand experience with the Pardini GT45 I would like to hear their comments about the pistols reliability.

Let me make my case clear; I have never shot this pistol, but I get to try many ghandguns because I work as RO on a range.
Why am I considering the Pardini (purely for Bullseye)?
Well I like the grip rake and the fact that I can adjust the trigger weight and geometry. I live on Malta, a tiny Island in the meditteranean, and so gunsmith services for a simple trigger job is a no-no.

I am not entirely happy with the alloy grip and a few things with most lock breech designs, but at the moment, I just thought perhaps I will ask around for advice.

Thanks and regards in advance,
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Post by SteveT »

I have a GT45. It has never been my primary Bullseye guns, but I've shot it a bit and a friend has shot it quite a bit.

The grip is big and square and there is not much you can do about it. That is the biggest factor in deciding if this gun is right for you. Either you like it or don't. It is really good for two handed shooting, but you must have big enough hands to get around the grip.

The trigger is very good, but I have not been able to get a really crisp release from mine. That does not bother me as I like a little movement. The trigger is easy to adjust, but I have had the weight change from shooting - over hundreds of rounds, not just a few. Check you trigger weight regularly.

The one problem I've had with the gun is a flaw in the barrel just in front of the chamber. I don't have a borescope, but there must be a burr, crack, pit or some defect as it will lead up there rather quickly. The gun is at Larry Carter's (in Maine, USA) being fixed. I'm waiting to hear from them, but I assume it will need a new barrel.

The sights are very good and easily adjustable. I also have the Don Nygord designed scope mount which is very good.

I have had no function problems regardless of ammo (SWC or JHP).

Dissassembly and cleaning is very easy.

Best of luck,
Steve Turner
Posts: 266
Joined: Fri Aug 20, 2004 6:50 am
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona

Post by TonyT »

I shot the Pardini GT-45 along with my Pardini SP in Bulseye pistol forseveral years. I shot severaal thousand rounds through the GT-45 and it functioned relolaibly with a wide variety of factory ammunition as well as reloads including 185 gr. LSWC's. The GT-45's trigger is outstanding for a 45 ACPpistol and the accuracy was also exceptional. I retired from shooting centerfire bullseye and sold the pistol so I cannot comment on it's long term durability. If I were in a remote area far removed from a qualified gunsmith I would opt for a 1911 style for which replacement parts are readilly available (although I do not know if they would be subject to export restrictions).
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