New (to me) Pardini SP

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New (to me) Pardini SP

Post by mk70ss »

I just picked up a mint, used Pardini SP .22. It has a Rink grip that fits my hand perfectly. It also has a 30mm Bushnell Tropy red dot using a Pardini rail.

I'm using Aguila 40 gr SV ammo.

I zeroed it using sand bags and shot two indoor 50 ft NRA gallery matches Fridaynight. I shot a 281 and a 280 with it. My average is 276, so that's a plus!

Anyone have any suggestions, comments, or other for me?
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Post by Bob-Riegl »

I suggest that when you bench rest the Pardini be careful you don't do that with the slide stop button on top of the surface---it's a quick way to have to send your gun back to Larry's to fix that button. I found the SP to be a great gun, however the trigger wasn't as good as my HP's, with Pardini's interwoven method of changing trigger settings, I never felt like taking the chance in improving the first stage travel. However with their grips and the need to bend your wrist to obtain a good angle combines to make it a superb gun IMHO. "Doc"
Last edited by Bob-Riegl on Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:54 am, edited 2 times in total.

Post by Guest »

Bob, Thanks. That's definately good info.
Mass Shooter
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Post by Mass Shooter »

Very nice scores, I presume the 280/281 is off-hand shooting. Congratulations on the SP. ... Are you shooting in a B/E league?

What location in MA?

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Post by mk70ss »

Thanks. Yes those scores are shooting offhand. I shoot bullseye in the Merrimack Valley Pistol League and at Tewksbury Rod And Gun Club's Summer league. We also shoot most Friday nights for practice at Lowell Sportsman's Club.

Our team (Tewksbury) needs one more shooter if you're interested.
Mass Shooter
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Post by Mass Shooter »

mk70ss wrote:Thanks. Yes those scores are shooting offhand. I shoot bullseye in the Merrimack Valley Pistol League and at Tewksbury Rod And Gun Club's Summer league. We also shoot most Friday nights for practice at Lowell Sportsman's Club.

Our team (Tewksbury) needs one more shooter if you're interested.
I shoot in the Maspenock league. We shoot practice at my local club every Wednesday evening.
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Post by TonyT »

I used a Pardini SP purchsed from Don Nyhgord with his grip style. While I alwats will admire the ruggedness and simplicity of the Walther GSP I must admit that I preferred the Pardini SP with it's lighter muzzle weight.

Pardini vs. Walther

Post by Guest »

I might be like Tony but I have not shot a Pardini yet.
I have a GSP that has a Falcon/Lombardi bbl. It shoots great and I have over 4000 rnds through it this year and it has not jammed, not once not ever. I can shoot it fairly well but I have never found it to be comfortable (It's a distraction) to shoot and have been thinking about trying a Pardini or Benelli 90S.
I got the GSP in anticipation of picking up a few more points over my old Buckmark but I still shoot the old Buckmark and my Clark/Ruger as well as the GSP. My scores hover around the same and any of the three guns might be slightly ahead of the others on any given day.
Can anyone else give testimony about the Pardini vs GSP?
I know I am the limiting factor and dont want to admit it. I cant help but think I should shoot better with a nicer gun.
How well do the Pardinis hold up at 50 yards?
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Post by TonyT »

The Lou Lombardi Falcon barrel will take a bit of weight off the muzzle end of a Wather GSP. In terms of ruggedness and relaibility with a wide variety of ammo the GSP is difficult to beat.
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