California gun transfer procedure

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Jack Milchanowski
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California gun transfer procedure

Post by Jack Milchanowski »

Can someone tell me exactly what has to be done for a California resident to send a revolver to someone in Alabama.

An elderly friend of my daughter who lives in CA wishes to give a revolver to my daughter who lives in Alabama. I realize it must be sent to a FFL holder in Alabama I need to know the specifics on the CA side of the transfer.

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Shouldn't be any more involved than the California FFL mailing it to the Alabama FFL, after collecting the customary fees.
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not exactly....

Post by FredB »

I'm pretty sure that it does not have to be sent by an FFL. If an individual (non-FFL) wants to ship a handgun from California, there are basically two ways of doing it.

The individual can use UPS or FedEx, in which case the gun must be declared and shipped overnight air (very expensive). UPS or FedEx satellite stores often will refuse the shipment, but a hub location will do it.

Or, the individual can use an FFL (very expensive), who can ship to another FFL by USPS (not expensive).

So, you pays your money or you pays your money - either way!

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California is different from a lot of other states:

"Sales, Loans, or Transfers of Firearms
It is unlawful for a person who is not a licensed firearms dealer pursuant to Penal Code section 12071, to sell, loan, or otherwise transfer a firearm to a non-licensed person unless the sale, loan, or transfer is completed through a licensed firearms dealer. (Penal Code §§ 12071, 12072, 12082.)"

Go through an FFL. It's worth it.
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Jack Milchanowski
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Post by Jack Milchanowski »

Thanks fellows!

Fred, I thought that California law required all handguns to be registered with the state. If that is true I also assumed that some record of its disposal/sale had to be registered also.

This elderly gentleman is quite ill. My daughter will visit him in February and I will get her to visit a local FFL to get details of how to accomplish the exchange legally. I have already found several FFLs for her in Birmingham, AL.

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Post by Bowman26 »

Not sure about whats required but I get the feeling it is more than most other states especially on inbound guns. Lately I have seen vendors on GunBroker saying they are no longer selling guns to anyone in Cali due to the paperwork so it must be a PITA, just the way the anti gunners wanted it I am sure.

If dealers are refusing to go through the hassle the amount of paperwork must not be worth making a sale.

Saw this same thing happen with the microstamping with Manufacturers just no longer selling their guns in Cali as it wouldn't be cost effective from a production standpoint. Eventually no one will want to do Business is Cali. But hey that 42 billion dollar hole will get filled somehow.

colt .45


Post by colt .45 »

does anyone know a cheap place where i can get a gun transfer to cali.
everywhere i look it's more then $100.00, i live in the SGV.
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Post by bummer7 »

Have you checked Gunsamerica for a listing of FFLs in your area who are willing to transfer a pistol into the state? The dealers I found in northern California seem to have a wide range of prices. Starting at around $35 to about $75 depending on town and location.

colt .45

ffl dealer

Post by colt .45 »

thanks, would you happen to haev the phone#?

Post by Guest »

for those that do not know how to use google,
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CA FFL - Handgun registration and CA - FFL ship to & Fro

Post by NikNak »

Jack Milchanowski wrote:Thanks fellows!

Fred, I thought that California law required all handguns to be registered with the state. If that is true I also assumed that some record of its disposal/sale had to be registered also.

This elderly gentleman is quite ill. My daughter will visit him in February and I will get her to visit a local FFL to get details of how to accomplish the exchange legally. I have already found several FFLs for her in Birmingham, AL.

1. All handguns currently purchsed are registered to the owner with the state ... both new and used.
2. Once a handgun is sold via proper channels, the firearm may still be shown as owned by the original seller ... even though proper paperwork was filed at the point of sale/transfer etc .... that is one of CAL-DOJ's inefficiency.
3. You are able to request a list of the handguns that the state shows you own. The form is on the CAL-DOJ webiste. If there are handguns you own that are not on the list, it is "suggested" that you contact the DOJ and update the list ... there are forms and the people are actually helpful.
4. If the list shows you have a handgun that you do not own, as in you sold it out of state, or private party transfer through another dealer etc .... it is requested that you fill out another form to show that it is no longer in your possession. This is for your protection, more than anything else. If the handgun is used in a crime and it is still listed as yours, it will just be a pain in the butt and not necessarily any charges ... just lost time from work, lawyers stuff etc ,....
5. If you own handguns that were bought legally prior to the state's requirement (i think it was Jan 2001), the state suggests you contact them and add them to your list. That way should they ever be stolen there is a chance you could get them back ... no guarantees, but more of a possibility than if no one knows who's it is.

These are the laws we must live under in the People's Republic of CA .... but you can't beat the weather.

FFL from CA to another FFL costs $100 from most in my area ... South of LA to the border.

Into CA from out of state requires a written letter of approval from the DOJ for each piece ..... a royal pain in the @#%$. That is why most GB and GA dealers will not ship to CA. It may take months to complete the transaction.

My $.02 worth......


Post by colt.45 »

Does anyone know how to apply for a FFL and is it easy or hard?
colt .45


Post by colt .45 »

Has anyone ever try to use one those FFL kit? if anyone ever try
please tell me if those think work or they are just a bunch od scam.
If they did work can you please let me know which sit you order from?
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colt.45 wrote:Does anyone know how to apply for a FFL and is it easy or hard?
The forms are pretty straightforward, and all are available free from the BATF. Don't bother with a kit- someone is selling government documents.

Approval is something else. BATF is expecting that you intend to be in the business with the intention of making a profit, not engaging in a hobby. You'll have to show that you'll be in compliance with all the relevant federal, state, and local laws.

Best wishes.
colt .45


Post by colt .45 »

thanks for the info. GOVTMODEL
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Re: CA FFL - Handgun registration and CA - FFL ship to &

Post by Jose Rossy »

NikNak wrote:
These are the laws we must live under in the People's Republic of CA .... but you can't beat the weather.
I'll trade good weather for freedom.
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Re: CA FFL - Handgun registration and CA - FFL ship to &

Post by TWP »

Jose Rossy wrote:
NikNak wrote:
These are the laws we must live under in the People's Republic of CA .... but you can't beat the weather.
I'll trade good weather for freedom.
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Benjamin Franklin.
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