Search found 23 matches

by fhorrigan
Fri Apr 02, 2021 2:17 pm
Forum: Olympic Pistol
Topic: Holding Air Pistol Cylinders for Rebuild?
Replies: 15
Views: 2736

Re: Holding Air Pistol Cylinders for Rebuild?

With the caveat that the following applies to CO2 cylinders, here are some tips: I had the same problem with an old CO2 cylinder for a Walther CP2 a few years ago. I was ultimately able to unscrew the valve and get it working again (it just needed cleaning), but it took took a lot of torque to unscr...
by fhorrigan
Sat Mar 27, 2021 10:26 am
Forum: Olympic Pistol
Topic: Great Source for O-rings
Replies: 3
Views: 1375

Re: Great Source for O-rings

I'll add another great source that I came across when trying to replace a particular O-ring that I couldn't find in McMaster Carr: Global O-ring and Seal: As the name suggests, they specialize in O-rings (50 million in stock according to website). They have a great online...
by fhorrigan
Tue Mar 10, 2020 6:06 pm
Forum: Olympic Pistol
Topic: Public Air Pistol matches?
Replies: 4
Views: 1523

Re: Public Air Pistol matches?

Let me know if you find anything. I live in Houston, but have recently started to take my air pistol with me on periodic trips to Maryland just in order to find anyone to shoot with. I have seen some mention of air rifle matches in Houston. But the closest air pistol competitions I know about are in...
by fhorrigan
Sun Jun 16, 2019 11:47 am
Forum: Olympic Pistol
Topic: Type of Paper Used for Air Pistol Targets
Replies: 26
Views: 5946

Re: Type of Paper Used for Air Pistol Targets

Since someone mentioned baking, I thought I'd share my latest DIY target "recipe" and an example (see photo) I initially used 20 lb paper on top of a backer (manila folder), like B Lafferty - with similar results. Then I had a chance to try a Kruger target and realized how much cleaner the...
by fhorrigan
Tue May 21, 2019 1:28 pm
Forum: Olympic Pistol
Topic: First time using Scatt
Replies: 10
Views: 2839

Re: First time using Scatt

I’ll add my 2 cents, and mini review of MantisX, albeit from a beginner perspective. I also strongly disagree that such systems provide no benefit over dry firing. At least not for me. But I suspect there may be no “one size fits all” answer. It has to do with what an individual can perceive relativ...
by fhorrigan
Fri May 17, 2019 10:55 am
Forum: Olympic Pistol
Topic: Rink Grips are Delicious?
Replies: 10
Views: 2195

Re: Rink Grips are Delicious?

-TT- wrote: Fri May 17, 2019 10:42 am I think putting it in a case will delay the curing process, by a lot. Can you maybe put it outside, hanging from something, or even inside with a breeze across it?
Good point! I bet I can rig up a way to hang it under a ceiling fan.
by fhorrigan
Fri May 17, 2019 8:33 am
Forum: Olympic Pistol
Topic: Rink Grips are Delicious?
Replies: 10
Views: 2195

Re: Rink Grips are Delicious?

Mr. Rink responded that he has never heard of this problem before. Although the enthusiastic title of his email "Ants love the grip!" suggests he appreciates the new customers. He says the stock oil itself is usually odorless, but Ballistol adds lavender scent to make it smell pleasant. He...
by fhorrigan
Thu May 16, 2019 2:54 pm
Forum: Olympic Pistol
Topic: Rink Grips are Delicious?
Replies: 10
Views: 2195

Re: Rink Grips are Delicious?

gimgim wrote: Thu May 16, 2019 2:29 pm Texan (Brownsville) ants seem to like coolant as well
They also like toothpaste! I routinely set out ant bait in my bathroom so that they don't find my tooth brush. I may have to do the same in my shooting range (hallway).
by fhorrigan
Thu May 16, 2019 2:37 pm
Forum: Olympic Pistol
Topic: Rink Grips are Delicious?
Replies: 10
Views: 2195

Re: Rink Grips are Delicious?

-TT- wrote: Thu May 16, 2019 2:04 pm I suggest contacting Rink, they have a web form and are quite responsive. And I'd love to hear what they say.
Good idea. I just sent an email to Thomas Rink. He was very responsive during the fitting and shipping process.
by fhorrigan
Thu May 16, 2019 11:09 am
Forum: Olympic Pistol
Topic: Rink Grips are Delicious?
Replies: 10
Views: 2195

Rink Grips are Delicious?

For awhile I've been craving a Rink Grip; but I didn't realize they might actually be tasty. I finally ordered one, which arrived a few days ago, and excitedly installed it on my FWB 103. It looked beautiful and fit my hand perfectly. But I noticed it had an odor that transferred to my hand, presuma...
by fhorrigan
Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:55 am
Forum: Olympic Pistol
Topic: How to replace bolt o-ring on Walther CP2?
Replies: 0
Views: 639

How to replace bolt o-ring on Walther CP2?

I have been trying to replace a leaky bolt seal on my Walther CP2, without success, and was wondering if anyone who has done this before might have some tips. I have been able to temporarily prevent the leak by periodically applying silicone oil to the seal, but that is becoming less effective. Acco...
by fhorrigan
Thu Jul 12, 2018 2:51 pm
Forum: Olympic Pistol
Topic: Is there a way to Estimate Optimum Grip Angle (Rake)?
Replies: 14
Views: 3851

Re: Is there a way to Estimate Optimum Grip Angle (Rake)?

JamesHH - I will try to be conservative, and find a copy of that book. thirdwheel - I admit to sometimes being overly analytical and obsessed with numbers. But I suppose that is also part of the reason I'm obsessed with putting the silly little pellet in the (#@!!ing) 10 ring. I fully respect your ...
by fhorrigan
Fri Jul 06, 2018 11:15 pm
Forum: Olympic Pistol
Topic: Is there a way to Estimate Optimum Grip Angle (Rake)?
Replies: 14
Views: 3851

Re: Is there a way to Estimate Optimum Grip Angle (Rake)?

JamesHH - Thanks! I was also wondering if it could be tested with scatt, so you answered a couple of my questions. I will attempt the method I suggested but try to err on the side of lower rake angle to avoid triggering problems. I don't have a scatt but have been using the simpler MantisX, and it t...
by fhorrigan
Fri Jul 06, 2018 6:22 pm
Forum: Olympic Pistol
Topic: Is there a way to Estimate Optimum Grip Angle (Rake)?
Replies: 14
Views: 3851

Re: Is there a way to Estimate Optimum Grip Angle (Rake)?

Let me clarify my original question, since I'm not sure everyone gets what I'm asking. I guess the simple answer is try different angles and see which gives you your best score. JamesHH - Yes, that would be the simplest if my grip was adjustable, or if I had access to a pistol with adjustable rake. ...
by fhorrigan
Wed Jun 27, 2018 9:15 am
Forum: Olympic Pistol
Topic: Is there a way to Estimate Optimum Grip Angle (Rake)?
Replies: 14
Views: 3851

Re: Is there a way to Estimate Optimum Grip Angle (Rake)?

thirdwheel - thanks for the suggestions. I'm afraid the simple fix may not be enough. I have been careful to keep my head upright and avoid slouching because I noticed it does help reduce the tendency of my front sight to drop, as well as improve overall consistency. Leaning back a little helps a li...
by fhorrigan
Tue Jun 26, 2018 9:28 pm
Forum: Olympic Pistol
Topic: Is there a way to Estimate Optimum Grip Angle (Rake)?
Replies: 14
Views: 3851

Re: Is there a way to Estimate Optimum Grip Angle (Rake)?

Thanks for the comments David M If the sights are not aligned i.e. too low, you need less rake. If too high, you need more rake. Is that a typo, or do I have misunderstanding how rake is defined? If the front sight is too low wouldn't you need more rake (i.e. increased rake angle) to raise it up? Or...
by fhorrigan
Mon Jun 25, 2018 9:03 am
Forum: Olympic Pistol
Topic: Is there a way to Estimate Optimum Grip Angle (Rake)?
Replies: 14
Views: 3851

Is there a way to Estimate Optimum Grip Angle (Rake)?

I am a relative beginner who has been shooting 10 m AP for ~4 months with a Walther CP2. Until recently, I avoided adjusting or modifying the grip because I wasn’t sure what I needed or preferred. Now that my hold and trigger control have improved (best score 534), I realize that I am often fighting...
by fhorrigan
Sun Jun 24, 2018 9:20 pm
Forum: Olympic Pistol
Topic: Changing from Right to Left handed?
Replies: 5
Views: 1099

Re: Changing from Right to Left handed?

I didn't exactly switch sides but have a related experience that is relevant to the strength issue. I agree that it takes a while to build up the necessary strength, and would caution that it should be done slowly - at least if you are as far past your youth as me :-) I have always used my right han...
by fhorrigan
Tue Jun 19, 2018 10:42 am
Forum: Shooters Lounge
Topic: Change to RWS Basic pellets
Replies: 2
Views: 1442

Re: Change to RWS Basic pellets

I guess I must be bored also - because I wanted to add some data to this discussion, and ask some questions. I also noticed the change in RWS Basic pellet style when I recently ordered some pellets from Europe in the 500 count tin. Those turned out to be the "Old" style pellets, whereas th...
by fhorrigan
Mon May 14, 2018 10:35 pm
Forum: Olympic Pistol
Topic: Walther CP2 valve seal?
Replies: 11
Views: 3732

Re: Walther CP2 valve seal?

c-more I just saw your post. I finally was able to replace my valve seal and get my CP2 working today. The valve seal is actually a simple round cross-section o-ring. I think the "extra" one I had with my pistol was already used and therefore deformed to match the valve. It's interesting t...